reflection + intention | an exercise for 2019

Hello beautiful people -

A friend recently shared with me that he has a goal of finding more purpose in his current phase of life. I immediately thought of one of my favorite exercises to do throughout the year, and especially during a transition period:

1.) Open your journal to a completely empty page. Create two columns. On the lefthand side, write "what's not working" on the top of the page, and on the righthand side, write "what's working."  Think about your 2018 year, and spend 10 or so minutes creating a list under each column of what worked and what didn't work about your year. Don't think too hard... just let your thoughts and words flow onto the paper.

2.) On a new blank page, draw a large circle. This is called the "Power of Knowing What You Want Circle." Thank you to BIG Power Yoga and Laura Rust for teaching me this powerful prompt. Think about what you want for yourself in 2019... you can choose one area of your life, which could include, health/wellness, relationships, career, spirituality, etc:   

  • Inside the circle, write everything you are a YES for. Anything from 2018 that you want to carry into 2019. Anything you believe to be true or want to manifest for your life.

  • Outside the circle, write everything you are a NO for. Anything you want to leave in 2019, bad habits you’d like to quit, distractions, etc. 

3.) Using this momentum, write clear intentions for your upcoming year. Use phrases like, "I am,"  "I will," and "I am able to..."  Create as many as you'd like. Take your time and check in after each one you write to ensure that it feels true to you. 

4.) Reflect on this entire process by journaling for at least 15 minutes. How did it feel to reflect on 2018? To plan ahead for 2019? Was it easy or challenging to write intention statements? Did anything come up for you that surprised you? How do you feel moving into this next phase of life? 

I hope this is helpful for you! Don’t hesitate to reach out at if you have any questions, or if you’d like to share how the exercise went for you! I’d love to hear from you.

Much love,
